기사제목 ‘Phantom Singer 2’ First foreigner contestant, Šime’s ‘Being Alive’ fascinates judges
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‘Phantom Singer 2’ First foreigner contestant, Šime’s ‘Being Alive’ fascinates judges

기사입력 2017.08.30 20:49
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[Asia Big News Jeong Hyeon Ho Journalist] ‘Phantom Singer 2’ First foreigner contestant, Šime’s ‘Being Alive’ fascinates judges

 [Photo = Phantom Singer]

JTBC’s ‘Phantom Singer’ is back after just 7 months with their new season. Many new talented contestants auditioned in episode 3, as well as in episode 1 and 2. 
Šime was definitely one of the outstanding contestants. He is the only foreigner to ever be featured on the show and is currently a member of the K-Pop idol group 'EXP EDITION’ as one of the main vocalists, and also has a vast theatre background in the United States.
Šime performed “Being Alive”, a well-known finale song of Stephen Sondheim's musical "Company." With delicate and refined emotions, but powerful vocals, Šime delivered a strong first impression to the judges. It was no surprise he was able to receivve his phantom mask.
Judge Yoon Jong Shin said with amazement 'Great voice, why don't you do theater instead of becoming a K-Pop idol?'  and judge Son Hae Soo said 'Looking forward to how he sings other whimsical songs'

Born and raised in Croatia, Šime graduated from music school in the United States and has an array of performing experience. Having won awards like ‘Mesa Encore Theatre Acting Awards’ and ‘Center Stage Best Acting Awards,’ he went on to continue pursuing his music career in the K-Pop industry, and made his debut as one of the main vocalists of the first all-foreigner K-Pop idol group, EXP EDITION. EXP EDITION will be promoting their new album this coming fall.
Šime wrote a post on his official instagram saying "Surprise! I am thrilled to let you guys know I am a part of Phantom Singer! Now this was a very difficult secret to keep.
It is very dear to my heart and I felt honored to perform it in front of the amazing Phantom Singer judges! Thank you so much!"

The new season of ‘Phantom Singer 2’ will offer exciting performances featuring very talented contestants such as: Kim Joo Taek, Kim Dongh  Hyun, Park Sang Gyu, Ahn Hyun Joon, Cho Min Woong, and Šime. 
JTBC’s ‘Phantom Singer 2’ will air every Friday at 9 PM.
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