기사제목 Korean Artist HEESU Illuminates Korean Culture Worldwide Through Her Presence in the NYC Scene
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Korean Artist HEESU Illuminates Korean Culture Worldwide Through Her Presence in the NYC Scene

기사입력 2023.10.07 20:45
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Singer HEESU (희수), actively involved in the vibrant New York music scene, passionately shares Korean culture with the world. One of her recent creations, the music video "CHEONGSAN," has garnered considerable attention for seamlessly blending Korean virtual landscapes with traditional elements. Drawing inspiration from the Goryeo-era monk Naong's poem "The Green Mountain Looks To Me," the "CHEONGSAN" music video, released in March this year, is a stunning 3D animation set in a virtual world that elegantly showcases traditional Korean aesthetics. It features elements like porcelain, celadon, Irworobongdo, and pavilions. The scenes with various hanboks are especially enchanting. The choreography for "CHEONGSAN" was inspired by traditional Korean dance, achieving a harmonious blend of timeless tradition and contemporary beauty.

Moreover, HEESU is wholeheartedly dedicated to promoting Korean culture on a global scale through exhibition in New York. In August of this year, the "CHEONGSAN" music video exhibition took place at the prestigious Millennium Film Workshop, where MoMA acquired their archive. This exhibition masterfully demonstrated the seamless fusion of traditional and contemporary aspects of Korean art and culture, highlighting the rich diversity within.

Through her performances in New York, HEESU is spreading the beauty of Korean culture worldwide, and her artistic passion is gaining recognition on a global stage. 

We eagerly look forward to her upcoming dazzling performances.

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