기사제목 [단독]Sing with stringed instruments, The sound drew the soul.
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[단독]Sing with stringed instruments, The sound drew the soul.

기사입력 2016.11.02 17:00
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[Asia Big News Korea 정현호기자] Echoed in the quaint city of Brno, Czech Republic ,Artist Park,Soobok of the art world.
One of the most famous artist Park Soobok had a concert performance with Yanachekeu String Quartet In Brno Conservatory. 
[Picture / Asia Big News] 

Director Pavel Manasek,  director of Korea campus Kim,soobum and many students have attended on Oct.29.2016.
"High level of performance has been impressive and outstandig In the tradition of the city of Brno.Master of the two teams made  fell in mystique immediately.
I hope that carry out art and cultural exchange between  two countries.
We will support all."
 Director Pavel Manasek Prasad.
Artist Park received a Certificate of Appreciation from Brno Conservatory.
Performance  drawing art donated to the Brno Conservatory.
He will Obtain a doctoral degree from Czech Republic Brno Conservatory on February 2017.
The traveling exhibition will be in  Brno, Prague, Vienna and Switzerland
during that period.
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